27th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers27th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers


Rachel Meacock

Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, University of Manchester, UK

Ralf-Michael Schmitz

Founder and owner, MINDS Management Institut Dr. Schmitz, GE

Ricardo Gil Santos

Manager Healthcare Business Consulting at Glintt, PT

Rosna Mortuza

Director of Implementation, International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM)

Rui Gomes

IT Advisor for Administration Board at Coimbra University Hospital Centre, PT

Rui Santana

Professor, NOVA National School of Public Health, PT

Sandra Calçado

Financial Director of Somague Concessões, PT

Sasa Jenko

Head of Sector, European Commission (EC)

Silvia Lopes

Professor, NOVA National School of Public Health, PT

Sophia de Rooij

Professor of Internal medicine and Geriatrics, Groningen University, NL

Sophie Beaupere

Deputy Director of Centre Leon Berard, FR

Teresa Magalhães

CEO, Portuguese Red Cross Hospital

Thomas Allvin

Executive Director Strategy and Healthcare Systems, EFPIA

Thomas Zilling

Consultant Surgeon and Associate Professor, Lund University, SE

Till Hornung

President, „Ostschweizer Privatkliniken“, CH

Tim Wilsdon

Charles Rivers Associates

Tina Joyce

Director of Operations, RCSI Institute of Leadership, IE

Tony McNamara

Chief Executive Officer, Cork University Hospital Group, IE

Vassilis Tsanidis

Policy officer, DG CNECT, European Commission

Viviane Knepper

Pharmacist, Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch, LU