27th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers27th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers

Volker E. Amelung

President, German Managed Care Association, GE

Volker E. Amelung was born in 1965. He studied Business Administration at the Universities of St. Gallen and Paris-Dauphine. After his graduation, he has been working at the University for Economy and Political Science in Hamburg, and had been a visiting scientist at the Columbia University in New York for several years.

In 2001 Volker Amelung has been appointed professor at the Medical University of Hannover with focus on health management and international health services research. He also has lectureships at the Medical University and Economy University of Vienna, at the Columbia University (NY, USA), at the TiasNimbas Business School (NL), at the advanced technical college of Carinthia (AT), the European Business School and the Technical University of Braunschweig (DE). His main research focuses on managed care, integrated health care, health services research and health management. He has co-authored several books, and has published more than 100 papers on managed care, health care policy, new technologies and integrated delivery systems.

Since 2007 Volker Amelung is also the president of the German Managed Care Association (BMC), Berlin. The BMC is one of the leading independent health care associations, elaborating innovative concepts in health care management and health care policy. In 2011 he founded the private institute for applied health research (inav) in Berlin.


Hospitals and integrated care

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